De Soto Dental Practice 
6832 De Soto Avenue, Canoga Park, CA 91303
De Soto Dental Practice
Dr. Edalat & Dr. Kalai

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What to Expect When Living With Orthodontics in Canoga Park CA

living with orthodontics

Living with orthodontics varies considerably from case to case, as the orthodontist attempts to correct the misalignment of teeth and jaw structure in order to improve your smile and overall oral health. This implies that different patients will have different experiences during their treatment. 


Here are some of the things you can expect while living with orthodontics:


Sore Mouth in the First Week 

From clear aligners to braces to orthodontic headgear, most orthodontic appliances cause your teeth to feel sore for the first week. It is normal to experience some discomfort during this time as your teeth begin to move from the forces being exerted to straighten them. But after the first week, the treatment becomes much simpler. Your orthodontist will prescribe some pain medication, such as ibuprofen or Tylenol to increase your comfort for these first few days. 


Gum irritation for the First Week 

Your gums and cheeks may also become irritated for the first few days, but this should end in 1-2 weeks once they adapt to having braces on the teeth. During this time, your orthodontist may recommend rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater. Swish the saltwater solution in your mouth for 30 seconds and then spit it out in the sink. Repeat this several times, 3-4 times a day until the sores heal. 


Change in Diet 

The foods you eat also play an important part in the level of comfort that you experience during your treatment. If you’re wearing aligners, you need to remove them when eating. This allows you to enjoy many different types of food without the risk of destroying your aligners. But if you’re wearing braces, you need to restrict yourself to consuming soft and “mushy” items that won’t damage the brackets and wires. 


Some comfortable soft foods to consume while living with orthodontics include oatmeal, pancakes, eggs, yogurt, mashed potatoes, cooked pasta, soup, and smoothies. Avoid soft drinks, snacks, and candies that have high sugar content, as well as hard crunchy items like peanuts, corn nuts, popcorn, and ice. You may also need to cut your meat and raw vegetables into tiny pieces. 


Caring for Your Orthodontic Appliances 

Your orthodontist in Canoga Park, CA will instruct you on how to brush and floss your teeth and recommend special tools to help you clean underneath the wires if you’re wearing braces. If you’re using aligners, you should also clean them properly to prevent plaque buildup and subsequent damage to your teeth. 

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All You Need to Know About Living With Orthodontic Appliances | Canoga Park CA

orthodontic appliances

There are many different orthodontic appliances used to straighten teeth, most of which are designed to minimize their appearance. Modern appliances are smaller and sleeker, and some are virtually invisible, like clear aligners. Your orthodontist will advise you on the best options for your specific needs. 


Here are some things you can expect during your treatment:

  • Regular dental appointments: During active treatment, you will need to visit your orthodontist every 4 to 8 weeks. After treatment, when you start wearing retainers, you will need to schedule appointments every 3 to 6 months.  
  • Normal routine with a few changes in diet: You should be able to do almost anything during your orthodontic treatment, including dining out, playing musical instruments, singing, and kissing. Your orthodontist will advise you on the necessary changes to your lifestyle, such as diet choices, but most adults are able to adjust perfectly. 
  • Collaboration with other dental practitioners: Your orthodontist will work with your periodontist or general dentist to improve the health of your gums and prepare you for orthodontic treatment. If you have already been treated for periodontal disease, and are eligible for orthodontic treatment, then you can proceed with regular supervision from your periodontist. 


Is orthodontic treatment affordable?

The cost of orthodontic treatment depends on several factors, including: 

  • The severity of your problem
  • Complexity of the issue
  • Duration of treatment

During your initial consultation, your orthodontist in Canoga Park, CA will discuss the cost of your custom treatment plan with you before it begins. With better materials and techniques, orthodontic treatment is more affordable today than ever. 


Keep in mind that modern orthodontic appliances and techniques have made treatment more comfortable and affordable than ever so you can continue to live as normal as possible. Moreover, most orthodontists offer a range of convenient payment plans, and your dental insurance plan may also cover orthodontic benefits. 

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How Dental Implants Work | Canoga Park CA

dental implants work

Understanding how dental implants work is a vital part of treatment in Canoga Park, CA.  Dental implants are one of the best options to replace one or more missing teeth, with over 98% of patients getting satisfactory results.

However, much of this success depends on the patient having enough bone tissue to bond firmly to the implant. If you don’t have enough bone tissue, perhaps due to bone resorption for staying with a gap for too long, then your dentist may recommend another procedure called bone grafting or bone augmentation to build up your bone tissue before implant placement. The health of the remaining teeth and gums is also important for a successful procedure.

The Procedure

If dental implants are right for you, then the dentist will take X-rays of the site and prepare models of the teeth. These will be used to formulate a treatment plan detailing the steps of how dental implants work, time frames, and associated costs.

The implant is surgically placed in the position of a tooth root so it connects to the jawbone. It takes a few months for the implant to bond to the bone tissue, after which the crown can be attached to it to give you a new artificial tooth.

The three steps are as follows of a dental implant are:

Step 1: Titanium Implant Placement

During the first procedure, the oral surgeon makes a small cut in the gum where the tooth will be placed. Next, a hole will be drilled in the bone tissue and the implant placed, after which the incision will be stitched closed. You may wear temporary dentures or bridgework as the site heals.

Step 2: Attaching the Abutment

After three to six months, within which time the implant will have bonded with the bone tissue, the second procedure will take place. This involves making another cut in the gum tissue to expose the top part of the titanium implant. A collar (healing cap) is screwed onto the top of the implant to facilitate healing of the surrounding tissue. The cap is removed after several weeks and the abutment, usually made of porcelain, titanium, or gold, is attached to the implant with a screw, so it projects above the gum line to receive the crown.

Step 3: The Crown

The crown can then be attached to finish the tooth replacement process. The porcelain replacement tooth is cemented or screwed onto the abutment to fill the gap in your smile.

Final Note

Dental implants work over a process of several months, usually 5 to 9 months. Please keep in mind that there’s a faster way to get implants, where the mini-implants and crown are placed simultaneously in one appointment. Make sure to discuss any concerns you may have before the treatment begins.

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Are you Ready for Dental Implants in Canoga Park CA?

dental implants canoga park

Dental implants in Canoga Park, CA are typically used to replace one tooth, or multiple teeth when combined with dentures or bridgework. If you’re missing one natural tooth, then a single implant will be sufficient. For larger spaces with two or more missing teeth, you don’t need one implant per tooth. Instead, the implants will be appropriately spaced depending on the volume and quality of bone tissue at each potential implant support, to support the replacement teeth.

But before you proceed, there are a couple of things you should discuss with your dentist, including:

Amount of Bone Tissue at the Intended Implant Location

Using dental X-rays, the oral surgeon can determine the height of the bone available to assess whether it’s sufficient to support an implant. In addition, the surgeon may use dental CBCT scans (cone beam computed tomography scans) to provide a 3D view of the jawbone to assess both its height and width, which are important to establish the quality and quantity of bone. CBCT scans also help to identify the position of anatomical structures (maxillary sinuses in the upper jaw and the inferior dental nerve in the lower jaw) that must be avoided.

Duration of Treatment

From the time of surgical implant placement to the time of placing the replacement tooth (crown, denture, or bridgework), treatment time can vary between four months and nine months, depending on the availability of good quality bone tissue. Patients with low bone density may require additional procedures like bone augmentation that increase the treatment time to six months or even more. Similarly, patients who require more implants to support dentures may need to have 3-4 implants placed at a time, which will increase treatment time to about nine months.

Final Note: Filling the Gap while Undergoing Implant Treatment

If the teeth you want to replace are in a visible part of your smile, then it’s important that you have a temporary tooth to fill the gap during treatment with dental implants in Canoga Park, CA. The common options are simple plastic dentures and removable bridges. These temporary restorations should not be put under heavy pressure (biting or chewing) as this could interfere with the healing of the underlying implants. Temporary restorations are not as comfortable or aesthetically pleasing as your final restoration, but they should allow you to function better until your treatment is completed.

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The Invisalign System Treatment Process | Canoga Park, CA

Invisalign has been gaining popularity as an alternative orthodontic treatment to the traditional metal braces. The new technology is just as effective for treating most orthodontic issues and improving your smile, but it uses clear aligners that are more comfortable, hygienic, and discrete.

The Invisalign system uses a series of custom-made removable aligners to gradually move your teeth to the ideal position. Since the aligners are made from clear plastic, most people you interact with won’t even notice you wearing the nearly invisible aligners, so you can maintain your lifestyle during treatment.

If you’re considering getting Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth, you will likely go through the following process:

  1. Consultation with an Invisalign specialist

The first step is a consultation with your Invisalign specialist or other orthodontist to determine whether Invisalign treatment is right for your case. Generally, the treatment is recommended for most mild to moderate orthodontic issues, including closing spaces between teeth, straightening crooked or crowded teeth, fixing malocclusion, and addressing overbites/underbites/crossbites.

  1. Creating a custom treatment plan

If you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, your Invisalign specialist will take photos, digital scans, and X-rays, or dental impression to assist in formulating a treatment plan that can address your teeth straightening problem with precision. The specialist will come up with a personalized treatment prescription that will be used together with the records – in the above step to create a customized 3D treatment plan for your specific problem. Using Align Technology, you and your specialist can view the expected final position of your teeth at the completion of the treatment.

  1. Manufacturing your custom aligners

This custom-treatment plan will then be used to develop your series of personalized aligners, and will determine the duration of your treatment. Your customized aligners will be fabricated and sent to your orthodontist’s office to initiate the treatment

  1. Delivery of your first set of aligners

Once your aligners are ready and delivered to your orthodontist’s office, you will be provided with a series of your custom-made aligners (either 3 or 4 sets) that you can change yourself every 2 weeks. The Invisalign system requires that you wear your clear aligners every day for 20 to 22 hours, removing them only during meals and brushing/flossing. This allows you to maintain your quality of life while receiving orthodontic treatment that will improve your smile and transform your life.

  1. Follow-up Visits

Every 6-8 weeks, you will have to return to the orthodontist for the next sets of aligners in the series. These visits are also important to monitor the progress of your treatment

  1. End of the treatment

After completing your Invisalign treatment, your orthodontist may recommend that you wear retainers to help maintain the new position of your teeth

Visit your orthodontist in Canoga Park, CA today to discuss ways to improve your smile.

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Invisalign for Teens and Adults: Is There a Difference? | Canoga Park, CA

The Invisalign system is used to correct mild to moderate orthodontic issues such as overcrowded or protruding teeth, malocclusion or bad bite, or under/cross/overbites. Many people prefer Invisalign over traditional braces because:

  • The clear aligners are less noticeable
  • The aligners are removable, which makes it easier to maintain your normal diet and oral care routine.
  • It’s more comfortable  – there’s no metal to irritate your gums, tongue, or lips

The aligners are made from medical grade, thermoplastic polymer that has high elasticity to allow for a more precise aligner fit and superior tooth movement, as well as to facilitate the delivery of a gentle and constant force during treatment with great comfort. Each set of aligners is custom-made to deliver a perfect fit over your teeth.

Invisalign for Adults

Generally, Invisalign treatment is recommended for adults of all ages because their teeth and jaws have finished growing and developing. Adults are also motivated and responsible enough to wear their aligners as directed by the Invisalign specialist.

Unlike braces that are fixed to your teeth, which means that the treatment will continue without requiring your input, Invisalign aligners require active participation from the patient. You’re required to wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, removing them only when eating and brushing/flossing your teeth.

Invisalign for Teens

That said, there is an on option for teens known as Invisalign Teen that allows teenagers to enjoy the benefits of Invisalign when straightening their teeth. Some unique features of this option include:

  • Power ridges that facilitate the growth of tooth roots into the right places
  • Extra features to accommodate the developing teeth in teens
  • Tools to help ensure teens wear each set of aligners for the recommended time
  • Complimentary replacements in case the aligners are lost or damaged

You need to follow the direction strictly to ensure that your treatment proceeds as required, and doesn’t take longer than intended as this will increase the cost of treatment as well. Please visit your orthodontist to determine whether you’re a good candidate for Invisalign.

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Finding dental implants in Canoga Park

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of modern dentistry, providing patients with a highly viable solution to tooth replacement. A dental implant refers to an artificial tooth that is placed, or implanted, into your jaw where a dental crown is then capped on top for a complete tooth that looks and even feels like a real tooth.

Dr. Saman Edalat may recommend dental implants to replace one tooth, two or three teeth when combined with bridgework, or even all your teeth when combined with dentures.

Who is the right candidate for dental implants?

Most adults are good candidates for dental implants, though there are some cases where Dr. Edalat may recommend an alternative tooth replacement option. The most troublesome procedure involves placement of dental implants into your upper jaw because of its close proximity to your sinus cavity.

In order for an implant to be placed into the jawbone, there must be enough space and bone density to support the implant. Patients with low bone density have a high risk of dental implant failure, and may need to consider alternative treatments.

That said, dental implants have very high success rates of up to 98% because of evolving techniques. Moreover, they offer superior stability over other traditional options such as dental bonding.

The Procedure – What To Expect

If you’re a suitable candidate for dental implants, Dr. Edalat will first implant a titanium post into the jawbone that will undergo a process known as Osseointegration to fuse with the surrounding bone. This process takes several months for the implant to fully bond with the existing bone tissue, creating an extremely strong and stable support for the tooth replacement that is similar to what a real tooth offers.

Afterwards, Dr. Edalat will place an abutment connector onto the titanium implant where a dental crown can be attached. The dental crown will me customized to blend in with your existing teeth in terms of size, shape, and shade, giving it a natural, aesthetic look that is difficult to distinguish from the natural teeth.

Consult With Our Dentist Today

To find out whether or not you are a good candidate for dental implants, please call our office for more information.

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Benefits of Routine Oral Exams

Routine oral examinations allow your dentist to assess the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. Exams are one of the typical components of a routine dental visit in Austin, in addition to professional teeth cleaning.  Dental professionals across the globe recommend that you visit your dentist every six months for the routine exam and cleaning.

Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t miss your next dental appointment:

To enhance your overall health and wellbeing

Also referred to as dental prophylaxis, professional dental cleanings require a dental professional to use special instruments to remove plaque and calculus on the surface of your teeth and below the gum line. This effectively removes harmful bacteria in your mouth that are responsible for gum inflammation, which is an indicator of periodontal disease. If not removed, the bacteria buildup leads to bad breath, stained teeth, bleeding gums, loose teeth, and general poor health.

Plaque control

Plaque control is the key to maintaining a healthy oral environment, as well as the prevention and control of dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontitis. Professional dental cleanings help to prevent the bacteria from accumulating in your mouth, which in turn helps to manage gum disease and associated illnesses including diabetes and heart disease.

Oral cancer screening

Oral cancer has a survival rate of 63% if detected in the first year, but this drops considerably with delayed treatment. Oral cancer screening is a common component of a regular dental exam, where the dentist checks for any abnormal growth in the mouth cavity – lips, gums, tongue, cheeks, tonsil, floor and roof of the mouth, tonsil, salivary gland, back of the throat, and oropharynx.

Lastly, preventive dental care through regular dental exams and cleaning can reduce the discomfort and cost associated with major dental work. Keeping a regular dental routine will also help you maintain your white, dazzling smile for great confidence at all times.

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How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

Visiting the dentist on a regular interval is a good habit that can help ensure that your natural teeth last a lifetime. During routine visits, the dentist performs professional cleanings, inspects your teeth, gums, and mouth, and recommends the necessary treatment for looming oral issues before they get worse.

It is recommended that you visit your dentist every six months for cleaning and a dental exam. Some patients may require shorter or longer intervals depending on their oral health and risk of future dental disease. The date of your next appointment will be determined based on the results of your check up.

The First Visit

If you have recently found a new dentist in Winnetka, CA, then your first exam will likely include a discussion of the history of your oral and general health and any concerns you may have, including details about any oral and body diseases or conditions you’re suffering from and the medications you’re currently taking.

You will also have a physical exam that includes:

  • A thorough inspection of all your teeth for decay, cracks, fractures,malocclusion, and other signs of damage
  • An assessment of the condition of any existing dental repair work, like fillings, crowns, veneers, and so on.
  • A thorough check of your gum health using a tiny measuring device, periodontal probe, to measure the gum line – where the gums meet the tooth root
  • A careful examination to check for signs of oral cancer and other diseases in your tongue, lips, mouth, throat, neck, gums, and other oral tissues.
  • X-rays to provide additional diagnostic information
  • Examination of any cosmetic treatments you may want to improve your smile

The results of your exam will guide the process of creating your custom oral care plan for preventive and/or ongoing treatments. Keep in mind that the health of your mouth has a direct impact on your overall health. This means that a proper oral hygiene routine that combines good oral habits and regular dental checkups is the best way to keep your teeth, gums, and smile healthy.

Contact our office today.

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Can Gum Disease Go Away?

gum disease canoga park

Gum disease is usually painless but it can’t go away unless treated.  Learn about gum disease stages and how you can get rid of this problem for good.

Gum disease occurs when plaque bacteria that accumulate on your teeth are not removed by regular brushing and flossing.

Plaque that is not removed turns into tartar which allows the bacteria to infect your gums and teeth.  This eventually impacts the gum tissue and bones that support the teeth. Once your gums and teeth are infected, the gum disease cannot go away on its own. In fact, gum disease can progress into three stages as follows:

Gingivitis (gingival disease) – This is the initial stage of gum disease. The plaque buildup causes inflammation of the gums leading to swelling and bleeding during brushing or flossing. This is the best stage to treat gum disease because the bone and connective tissue that supports your teeth are not yet infected.

Periodontitis (periodontal disease) – When gum diseases reach this stage, the damage done on bone and fibers that hold the teeth in place is irreversible. The gums begin to form a pocket below the gum line further encouraging penetration and growth of plaque bacteria. In order to prevent further damage and restore your teeth, a professional periodontal therapy and improved personal hygiene are required.

Advanced periodontitis – This is a more advanced stage of gum disease where the fiber and bone that supports your teeth are completely destroyed. Your teeth start to loosen or shift making eating or biting difficult.  Our dentist may recommend aggressive periodontal therapy or teeth removal to help restore your smile.

Proper brushing and effective oral hygiene go a long way toward keeping gum disease at bay. Removing dental plaque is the key preventing gum disease and improving your oral health. You should also schedule regular checkups with our Canoga Park dentist so that early signs of gum disease can be spotted and appropriate treatment conducted right away.

Best Quality Gum Bleeding Treatment in Canoga Park

Do not wait till gum disease progress and become worse. Come for high-quality gum disease diagnosis and treatment at our conveniently located Canoga Park facility. Our expert staff will work closely with you to help you restore your teeth and achieve the perfect smile you desire.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

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